The LEEBio™ process refines all the components of lignocellulosic biomass into 3 major and recoverable products: cellulose, lignin and hemicelluloses.

Each LEEBio™ industrial unit will be able to supply existing industrial sites capable of transforming them into commercial products without changing their production and distribution methods.

The versatility and flexibility of the LEEBio™ process are key elements for decarbonizing all current industries, including energy, fuels and chemicals.

The LEEBio™ process extracts cellulose (fibers), hemicelluloses (syrup), lignin (powder) from all types of lignocellulosic biomass with high efficiency & high degree of purity.

Adaptation to existing industrial units requires the construction of a factory capable of processing annually, and at least, 150 000 tonnes of lignocellulosic raw materials.

Refining biomass by the LEEBio™ process is upstream of all operational transformation technologies of biomass and increase their conversion efficiencies like :


Biogas / Biomethane

Synthetic fuels



Lignin and hemicelluloses will be separated and then intended to be transformed for the chemical and materials industries.

These industries will benefit from an easily reduced carbon footprint by incorporating these bioproducts into their existing sites without changing their production and distribution methods to their customers.

Based on current market prices, in direct competitiveness with oil, 1 ton of lignocellulosic biomass will be able to generate high value-added products, bio energies, green energies and sustainable fuels.

Biomass producers as well as all current industries will be at the center of the energy transition thanks to the NCCSU™ in perfect integration with their commercial activities.